Updated EFSA position on Retail Investment Strategy – October 2024
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The European Forum of Securities Associations (EFSA) defines its priorities for deeper and more efficient EU capital markets, to contribute to the current reflection on the forthcoming European Commission agenda on financial services. More info here....
Foto's van het debat over het thema "EU Retail Investment Strategy: Protecting, advising, enabling. Three of a perfect pair?” georganiseerd ter gelegenheid van de Algemene Vergadering van de BVBL op 6 juni 2023. De hoofdrolspelers waren : Moderator Stéphanie Hubert, Algemeen directeur, AMAFI Panelleden Annemie Rombouts, Deputy Chairman, FSMA Benoît van den Hove,...
The European Forum of Securities Associations (EFSA) issued a position paper on the European Commission’s upcoming Retail Investment Strategy. More info here....
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets regulator and supervisor, has published its Strategy for 2023-2028. In the Strategy, ESMA details its long-term priorities and how it will use its competences and toolbox to respond to future challenges and developments. More info...
Omwille van de evolutie van de financiële sector hebben de sociale partners van het paritair comité voor de beursvennootschappen (PC 309) gevraagd om het PC 309 in het paritair comité voor de banken (PC 310) te integreren, waarvan het toepassingsgebied daartoe wordt gewijzigd. Naar aanleiding van...
ESMA has recently written to the EU Commission providing its views and recommendations on the clearing obligation for pension scheme arrangements (PSA). Following its assessment, ESMA has concluded that PSAs are operationally ready to clear their over the counter (OTC) derivatives but they should be given...
EFAMA and EFSA see great value in the creation of a consolidated tape to support Europe’s capital markets. However, they qualify that statement with a reminder that the framework for a successful consolidated tape should i) address the known market failure around market data costs, ii) manage...
Some key messages delivered by Commissioner McGuinness, on CMU, Central Clearing post-Brexit and Digital Finance Full text (and other topics) Capital Markets Union Last week’s CMU package implements a number of the measures in the 2020 Action Plan. We have four main elements. First, the European single access point...