
Cloud: ESMA consults on cloud outsourcing guidelines / EBF Releases 3 technical papers

19 juni in Geen onderdeel van een categorie

ESMA has published a consultation paper on guidelines on outsourcing to cloud service providers Read more The guidelines’ purpose is to provide guidance on the outsourcing requirements applicable to financial market participants when they outsource to cloud service providers. In particular, they aim to help firms...

CSDR : ECSDA requests further postponement of settlement discipline regime

19 juni in Geen onderdeel van een categorie

On 8 June 2020, the European Central Securities Depositories Association (ECSDA) writes to request a postponement in the implementation of Settlement Discipline Regime (SDR), and Settlement penalties in particular, possibly by one year beyond the date of 1 February 2021. They acknowledge that the European Commission...

ESMA publishes the final report on MIFIR alignments following thee introduction of EMIR REFIT.

12 februari in Article

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published last week a final report suggesting amendments to the trading obligation under MiFIR following the introduction of EMIR Refit. The recent changes introduced to EMIR via Refit modify the scope of counterparties subject to the clearing obligation...

EMIR REFIT: ESMA issues statement on derivatives trading obligation

17 juli in Geen onderdeel van een categorie

ESMA has issued a statement on the misalignment between the scope of counterparties subject to the clearing obligation (CO) under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) and those subject to the derivatives trading obligation (DTO) under MiFIR. Since the entry into force of the Regulation...

European Securities and Markets Authority updates its EMIR Q&A

17 juli in Geen onderdeel van een categorie

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has issued today an update of its Q&A on practical questions regarding the European Markets Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR). Following the entry into force of the EMIR review (so-called EMIR Refit), ESMA is reviewing the existing Q&As to align them,...

ESMA updates the CSDR Q&As on Internalised Settlement Reporting

17 juli in Geen onderdeel van een categorie

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has updated its Questions and Answers (Q&As) regarding the implementation of the Central Securities Depository Regulation (CSDR). The updated Q&As provide answers to questions regarding practical issues on the implementation of the new CSDR regime. The latest CSDR Q&As...

FSB: Cyber Incident Response and Recovery : Survey of Industry Practices

17 juli in Geen onderdeel van een categorie

On 11 July, FCB published a survey of industry practices regarding cyber incident response and recovery. The survey is a key element of the FSB’s outreach strategy with external stakeholders to gather views on effective practices relating to financial institutions’ response to, and recovery from,...