
EU Cybersecurity Initiatives in the Finance Sector – ENISA report

11:54 08 April in Uncategorized

ENISA Report – EU Cybersecurity Initiatives in the Finance Sector : the report published guides the reader towards European cybersecurity initiatives dedicated to the finance sector. Its purpose is to map today’s reality of a very complex cybersecurity landscape in the EU finance sector.

  • The finance sector is a heavily regulated sector, and cybersecurity provisions are already included in multiple EU policies and legislations (e.g. PSD 21, MIFID II2).
  • EU institutions, agencies, bodies, regulators and other groups of stakeholders run several initiatives dedicated to improving the cybersecurity of financial entities.
  • This brief document outlines such European cybersecurity initiatives in the sector and it is a first depiction of the complex landscape of initiatives related to cybersecurity at an EU level.



  • In this document, ENISA has included initiatives of European scope, i.e. ones that are implemented in at least two EU Member states.
  • This document focusses on financial entities, EU institutions, bodies and agencies of the Finance sector, as well as the finance community at large.
  • The document was created in an effort to shed light on the initiatives and to guide interested parties in engaging with them and benefit from their produced results.
  • Furthermore, it aims to make cooperation between the initiatives and their different groups work more seamless.
  • The document may facilitate future assessments on the complementarity, overlaps and gaps of the respective initiatives and identify synergies.