
European Commission publishes new guidelines on corporate climate-related reporting

05 July in Uncategorized

On Tuesday 18 June 2019, the Commission published new guidelines on non-financial information climate-related reporting as part of its Sustainable Finance Action Plan. The new guidelines will provide companies with practical recommendations on how to better report the impact their activities have on the climate...

ECB : EU Cyber Resilience Board for pan-European Financial Infrastructures

05 July in Uncategorized

In her introductory remarks at the third meeting of the Euro Cyber Resilience Board of pan-European Financial Infrastructures, Sabine Lautenschläger, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB talked about her taking over the chairmanship from Benoît Cœuré and the changes in the cybercrime space since the...

ESMA publishes MiFID II supervisory briefing on appropriateness and execution-only

13 May in Uncategorized

Context: The content of this supervisory briefing is not subject to any ‘comply or explain’ mechanism for National Competent Authorities (NCAs) and is non-binding. The main purpose is to contribute to a common supervisory culture by promoting common supervisory approaches and practices. The comments and questions in...

ESMA: Speech Verena Ross – Cross-border Distribution Conference / Luxemburg 12 February 2019

13 May in Uncategorized

Interesting Keynote Address by Verena Ross at the 7th Annual Cross-Border Distribution Conference in Luxembourg, 12 February 2019. Main items: Investment funds and systemic risks Concerns about the risks posed by the so-called ‘liquidity mismatch’ FSB and ESRB 2 main areas of concern : leverage and liquidity EU Alternate...

ESMA: Steven Maijoor addresses Global Innovation Institute on new technologies in capital markets

01 October in Article

The Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), Steven Maijoor, has delivered a keynote speech on financial technology – New technologies within and beyond capital markets – at the AFME/Euromoney Global Innovation Institute conference in Paris (19 September 2018). The speech focused on technological...

SIX launches SIX Digital Exchange, an integrated trading, settlement and custody infrastructure for digital assets

24 July in Article

SIX, the firm that manages and owns the Swiss stock exchange, announced early July the launch of a new digital asset exchange platform called SIX Digital Exchange (SDX). It will offer services for issuing and trading digital assets in a regulated environment. Indeed, SDX will be...