
Retour sur l’édition 2018 de l’Assemblée Générale annuelle de l’ABMB

13 juni in Article

L’édition 2018 de l’Assemblée Générale annuelle de l’Association belge des Membres de la Bourse (ABMB) s’est déroulée le 5 juin à l’hôtel Le Châtelain à Bruxelles. Cette année, l’événement a été placé sous le signe de la finance durable. L’Assemblée Générale est généralement l’occasion de réunir...

McKinsey & WFE: FinTech decoded – Capturing the opportunity in capital markets infrastructure

05 maart in Article

The report—based on a survey of The World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) members and data from the McKinsey Panorama Fintech database —evaluates the fintech landscape within the capital market infrastructure (CMI) industry, potential uses of new technologies across the value chain, and areas likely to see...

Brexit : AFME & Clifford Chance publish FAQs to assist bank clients address contractual questions

20 februari in Article

On 19 February 2018, AFME, together with Clifford Chance, has published guidance to assist bank clients in understanding how their cross-border relationships may be impacted by banks’ plans to adapt to Brexit. The FAQs explain the potential significant impact on contractual relationships for financial services, providing...

VP Dombrovskis speech at Swiss Finance Council: preparing for the Action Plan on Sustainable Finance

14 februari in Article

European Commission Vice-President Dombrovskis speech at Swiss Finance Council on 13 February 2018 The Commission is ready to follow up on the HLEG report's recommendations and deploy sustainable finance at a pan-European scale. Next month, they will present an Action Plan for mobilising green investment and integrating sustainability...

Deloitte & Avaloq : les nouveaux modèles de conseil digital en gestion du patrimoine

10 januari in Article

Fin 2017, Deloitte et Avaloq ont publié un document de discussion commun consacré au conseil digital en gestion du patrimoine. Le rapport met en exergue le fait que de nouveaux modèles de conseil digital en gestion du patrimoine émergent de par le développement de l’innovation numérique dans...

“Greening finance for sustainable business” – Speech by Valdis Dombrovskis at the One Planet Summit in Paris

14 december in Speeches

On 12 December 2017, Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, Financial Stability and Financial Services, gave a speech at the One Planet Summit in Paris. In this speech, called “Greening finance for sustainable business”, he reiterated the commitment of the EU to reduce...